flower cannon


Why my name is Flower Cannon

1. It’s the name of the woman in The Name of the World by Denis Johnson who more-or-less shocks the protagonist back into consciousness.

2. I love Denis Johnson.

3. The Name of the World is a bad ass name for a book, as is the name Flower Cannon for a character.

4. I figure hiding behind the moniker of Flower Cannon will shock my consciousness into a state of honesty and bluntness, something my own name hasn’t been able to inspire, for whatever reason.

5. Flower Cannon. How awesome is that name.

Filed under: badass, books, me, , , ,


– How young is too young to write / trust a writer?
– When do you give up on a story? whether it be writing or submitting it
– On the other side: how do you tell a writer their story is rubbish and they should throw in the towel?
– How much copying or ‘pastiche’ing is okay?
– Why do authors always look so regal in their photographs?
– What happens when you see a photo of an author you love, only to discover their fat and you, suddenly, feel biased against them?
– How much is too much?
– Why so sad?

Filed under: books, me, questions, writing, , , , , ,

about here

My name is flower cannon, at least inside this http. I am 21 years old, a would-be writer, a reader-reader. I love Ian McEwan's rationalism and a warm apple pie. I love waking up to a nearly finished book, finishing it, then eating Lucky Charms and hopping on the NY subway.